The importance of postoperative fart

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The importance of postoperative fart

Hi relatives GharoBlog. on this occasion we will provide information on the importance of fart after surgery

what the fart?
Fart comes from the gas in the intestines formed from the air we swallow, the gas that penetrates into the intestine through the bloodstream, the gas emerging from chemical reactions and gases from bacteria in the stomach, the fart often gives off an unpleasant odor.

Why do farts smell bad?
Fart smell due to hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan content. Both of these compounds contain
sulfur (sulfur). The more sulfur content in your diet, the more sulphides and mercaptans produced by bacteria in the stomach, and the more foul you fart. Eggs and meat have a big role in producing fart smell. Nuts play a role in producing volume of farts, not in rottenness.

usually people always hold the fart, because it is not polite to dispose of gas carelessly.
but do not you, holding the fart is not good for health, because it is indirectly containing bacteria in the stomach.

even farts have a role in the treatment, because usually after surgery patients generally should not eat, drink and stay in the hospital until the patient managed to remove the fart from his body.

Waiting to arrive outside the fart sometimes becomes a boring and often uncomfortable thing for some people, especially for women. because usually women are a bored species in terms of waiting. But farting after surgery is important to be informed to the doctor or nurse. Because this shows the progress of the patient inside.

in because anesthesia or anesthesia used for surgery not only keeps the patient asleep and does not feel anything, but also makes the small and large intestine of the patient participate 'asleep'. (losing his role)

During surgery, the intestines or the intestines fall asleep and do not make any movement through the digestive system, it automatically indicates that no gas exits through the digestive tract.

After the surgery is done and the person is already conscious, then someone must successfully emit the gas in the body first. they must strive to succeed in issuing farts, If the gas in the body has been successfully removed (already fart), then this indicates that the contents of the stomach is up from sleep and can work again.

Most surgeons will not allow their patients to go home or leave the hospital if they have not farted, as it indicates that the digestive system is not functioning normally unless there are other problems that make the situation different.
but the physician usually asks parents or relatives for the patient to remove the gas first before the patient starts eating or drinking.

Because If a person who has not been able to fart has forced himself to eat, drink or out of the hospital, feared the intestine has not been able to work normally, allowing the occurrence of blockage as the food passes through the intestine.

For someone who has just finished surgery should not underestimate a fart, because the gas coming out of the digestive tract can indicate a normal digestive system.

hopefully this can be useful.
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see you next time.

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